Introduction - The administrator should include the following points in their introduction.
1. Welcome and introduce yourself and any assistants.
2. During the session they will complete a set of questionnaires, the results of which describe their make-up and help them with their subject and career choices.
3. Ensure all mobile phones are switched off, and that they do not have any other programmes open on their computer.
4. The process will take about 15 minutes, after which they will be able to access their results as soon as they have completed the assessments.
5. Translation devices may be used by ESL students as required.
6. In a moment they will be taken through the sign-up process. Although their login details will be confirmed to them by email, they can, if they wish, make a note of the email address and password they use.
7. Ask if there are any questions. Answer these as appropriate.
General advice: The validity of the results and therefore the value they will be later can be impacted by the approach they take. Therefore it is important to be honest in answering the questions. Their answers should be based on their own interests and not what they think they should be answering. Advise them not to dwell too long on any question. The best approach is to answer with the first thing that comes into their head, as this will usually be the most accurate answer. Remind them that if their interests change, they can retake the questionnaires.